The Lost Art of Podcasting

It’s funny, you know. I see so many conversations happening about content creation that are focused around written content. It’s seems we are inundated with lessons on the best way to write a blog, and how to best leverage Twitter, 140 characters at a time. But let’s remember, podcasting has been around for a long […]

I’m a Podcaster Now

One area that I’ve never really gotten involved with when it comes to social media has been podcasting. Oh sure, I’ve been a consumer of podcasts for years. There are so many great ones out there – Six Pixels of Separation, Marketing Over Coffee, Night of the Living Podcast – perhaps I was so consumed […]

Finding Your Voice

My Grade 12 music teacher, Mr. G., believed that everyone has the ability to sing, they just need to find their voice. And you know what? The same can be said about blogging, podcasting, tweeting, and, well, just about anything to do with communicating online. When we are first starting out around here, we feel […]

The GeekGrls: Helping Women Get their Geek On

I know lot of women who are truly geeky, very technology savvy and aware. I have met some online, and some at various meetups around town. But my experience in general with the online communities I’m involved with (mostly web technology, social media and business) is that it is still a very male-dominated area. Most […]

Techniques for Giving a Good Interview

This is a great article from containing tips and techniques on how to interview people well. A good resource for anyone doing interviews for podcasts, documentaries or other media projects. If there’s anything I’ve learned after 18 years of producing media in various forms, it’s that a good interview can make or break a […]

I Use the Web Differently Now…Do You?

I have been thinking over the past couple of days how much things have changed online in the past several months. Social networks have gone from early adoption stage to pretty mainstream, and now the early adopters of business are starting to really grab hold of social media as a way to enhance their online […]

Curiosity Killed the Confusion

I’ve recently come into contact with a lot of people who don’t know a whole lot about the whole social media thing. When I try to explain the stuff to them, I either get a yah, but….or just a blank stare. It’s true, there is SO much going on in this space right now that […]