I Can Haz Podcast Episode 81 – The Future of Social Media
It feels good to be back in the podcasting chair after a couple of weeks’ break. I know everyone is doing social media predictions these days, but we are really entertaining about it. Also, Stefan and I look back at the predictions we made last year and see who was right and who was wrong. […]
GeekGrls Podcast
No blog post today – I’ve been too busy podcasting. Check out the latest episode over at www.geekgrls.com – I’m talking Podcamp Montreal, SavvyAuntie.com and what I did on my summer vacation!
The GeekGrls: Helping Women Get their Geek On
I know lot of women who are truly geeky, very technology savvy and aware. I have met some online, and some at various meetups around town. But my experience in general with the online communities I’m involved with (mostly web technology, social media and business) is that it is still a very male-dominated area. Most […]
At Long Last, I'm Going To Be A Podcaster
Yesterday I met up with my longtime friend and fellow geek girl Sheri on a sunny patio where we held our first brainstorming session for our new podcast. (Incidentally, Sheri, who has called me by the nickname ” Suze” ever since we met was the inspiration for the name of my blog). I’ve been wanting […]