People Doing Cool Things On the Internet

There’s a lot of cool stuff on the Internet. In any given day, the things I see amaze, astound, fascinate, and blow my mind, often all at once. I laugh hysterically, cry uncontrollably, and have just about every emotion in between. Today, I want to share with you some of the people I’ve seen doing […]

If It All Ended Tomorrow

I’m sitting here this morning, going through my usual morning routine. Check email, reply to a few. Log onto Twitter, say good morning to people, see what’s going on. Check Facebook, reply to messages, comment on a few posts. Move over to my Google Reader, read a few of my faves, make note of some […]

Why I Don't Watch TV Anymore

I have a confession to make. I, Suze, don’t watch TV anymore. In fact, I’m pretty much turned off of just about every show out there. It’s an interesting irony, really. After all, I produce TV. Right now I co-produce a series that airs on our local cable station. We have a bunch of other […]

Feedly Gets It

I discovered Feedly this morning and in just a couple of minutes it changed the way I interact online. One of the things that drives me bananas about many social media apps these days is the lengthy process I need to go through just to get it to understand who I am and what I […]

Uninvited to the Social Media Party

There’s an interesting debate going on this morning over at FriendFeed. It appears that Robert Scoble has blocked one of his followers (I’m not going to name names, if you want to find out who it is, I invite you to seek it out yourself. Go ahead. Google to your heart’s content. I’ll wait). You […]

Why Today's Students are Primed For the Conceptual Age

I’m reading Daniel H. Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future”. In it, Pink presents some really compelling reasons why we are moving out of the Information Age of the last half of the 20th century and into the Conceptual Age, where success is going to be less based on […]

Twitter vs. Facebook – The WIIFM Wars

Hubby and I were having a great conversation over breakfast for dinner tonight. It all started with Gary Vay-ner-chuk, and his chime in the other day about Twitter vs. Facebook. In his video post, he talks about how apps like Facebook need to become more immediate and instantaneous or they are going to be eclipsed […]

I Use the Web Differently Now…Do You?

I have been thinking over the past couple of days how much things have changed online in the past several months. Social networks have gone from early adoption stage to pretty mainstream, and now the early adopters of business are starting to really grab hold of social media as a way to enhance their online […]

Making a Brand for Yourself

Here’s a guy that totally gets it. Gary Vaynerchuk, of didn’t just throw up a little web site with a few videos on it and then sit back and wait for it to go viral. He didn’t think – “gosh, nobody else is talking about wine on the Web”, because he KNEW that lots […]

Oprah's Web Event

I have a confession to make. I watch Oprah. I LIKE watching Oprah. It’s my unwind-from-a-long-day, think-about-something-completely-different, guilty pleasure. But at this moment, I’m glad, I watch Oprah. For all you non-watchers out there, Oprah is doing something cool these days in the online media space. She is touting a new Book Club Book, called […]