Why Chasing a Dream Doesn’t Work

You want it all. You want it now. You’ve done everything right. Read all the books. Taken all the workshops. Shaken all the right hands. So why hasn’t your dream come true yet? Your dream could be anything. A better job, a nicer house, a better girlfriend, or that next big client. Dreams are a […]

On Being an Entrepreneur

Just recently,  our company passed its 2nd anniversary (in its current, full time version – we ran as a part time entity for 4 years prior to that). We’ve come a long, long way in 2 years. We’ve surpassed many of our expectations and are on a course now to exceed even more over the […]

A Word on Partnerships

I woke up this morning thinking about something that fascinates me about social media. Yesterday in Denis B Hancock’s great blog post on tipping points, I made the comment that social media is the great leveler. It gives anyone with an Internet connection and something to say an equal opportunity to be a blogger, a […]

How to Think Like a Rich Person

I have to admit, I like Donald Trump. Sure, he’s arrogant. But his understanding of business and how to make money is phenomenal. He’s truly one of the best. Here’s the thing; the secret to Trump’s millions is not some magic secret that the rest of us aren’t privy to. He thinks like a rich […]