5 Ways to Get Control of Your Email Today
I remember a time before voice mail (yes, I’m THAT old). In order to receive a call, you actually had to be in the vicinity of the phone! If not, the person on the other end either had to keep calling back till they reached you, or, if you were at work, a receptionist took […]
Bust Some Stress by Getting Control of Your Email
While we’re on the topic of order amidst chaos, I want to talk about email. I hear so many people complaining about being crushed under the weight of their email. At least 10 times a day I see my friends on Twitter talking about how they have no time for their email, that they have […]
Breaking the Email Habit
I have a problem with email. The problem I have is not email itself – it’s a marvellous tool, and when used well, it’s extremely effective, highly efficient, and wonderfully convenient. The problem I have with email is that it’s been running me. Over the past several months, I’ve gotten involved in lots of different things – 12for12k, […]
Breaking the Email Habit
I have a problem with email. The problem I have is not email itself – it’s a marvellous tool, and when used well, it’s extremely effective, highly efficient, and wonderfully convenient. The problem I have with email is that it’s been running me. Over the past several months, I’ve gotten involved in lots of different […]
What AwayFind Has Taught Me About Managing Email
I have a confession to make. I like getting email. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. And a reader. I actually enjoy peering into my inbox, seeing who is reaching out to me, what new opportunities might be there, or just checking to see if I’ve heard from a friend. I actually find it kind […]