Category / about life


“We should not complain about impermanence, because without impermanence, nothing is possible.” – Thich Nhat Hanh The Buddhists remind us that everything is impermanent in this life. Nothing lasts forever, things are always in a constant state of flux. The seasons will always change, we will all live, then die. This is the cycle of...CONTINUE READING
Category:about life

When The Time Is Right

I’ll start my business when the time is right. I’ll build a blog when the time is right. I’ll get married and settle down when the time is right. I’ll lose weight when the time is right. I’ll write that novel when the time is right. I’ll call that friend when the time is right....CONTINUE READING
Category:about life

The Ultimate Distraction

Cinematographer Mark Poirier kicked off PAB2011 last night with an inspiring keynote about storytelling. Here are a few thoughts on his talk…. Mark Poirier has, in my opinion, the ultimate storytelling job. Mark is a cinematographer, but in a very specialized part of the business. He shoots in IMAX 3-D. A far cry from your...CONTINUE READING
Category:about life
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