Take the Blinders Off

It’s never been my intention to use this blog as a bitch session, but there has been something bugging me lately and I need to get it off my chest. Have you noticed that people these days seem to be very self absorbed? I mean, there are plenty of people I know who are always […]

In the Midst of Chaos…

It’s a good thing us TV producers thrive on chaos, because we got our fair dose of it today. Let’s see, where to begin…at the beginning I guess… 9am this morning, my partner and I headed off to the office. We had an important meeting at 10am so wanted to get there in time to […]

The Woodwork

It always seems that when something big and important happens in my life that people come out of the woodwork. I don’t mean people that I don’t know that well – I mean long time, close friends who live in the same city as me, but with whom I’ve lost regular contact with for the […]

Don't Fake It

Last night I got home from work late, so I watched some of The Colbert Report before bed. The guest was former U.S. governor and presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee, and it seems he’s a bit into “authenticity” (note the irony of putting this word in quotations). He rambled on about how Americans want “authenticity”, they […]

The Long Road to a New Space

Another week has gone by and our office is still a mess. It is nobody’s fault. Our renovation dudes all have full time jobs, some have young kids, and Jester Creative has meetings to attend, phone calls to make, project deadlines to meet, designs to create, and proposals to write. It’s not as if we […]

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today is our first official, full time day in business, as Jester Creative. Okay, so our web site is still under construction, our office is a shambles, but we have projects, more projects than we know what to do with, and somehow we need to balance making progress on the projects with renovations, a new […]

It's all fine to think positive, but you have to make an effort

I was at a fundraiser last night for the Ottawa Humane Society. It was a great time, everyone all dressed up, eating fabulous food, drinking fabulous wine, spending piles of moola on auction items, all for the good of the puppies and kitties. I’m all about stuff like that. At our table, we got into […]