A Story of Selflessnes

Once upon a time there was a guy named Dom. Dom needed some stuff, to help make his life a bit better – to help him get around a bit more. Dom asked his friends to help him out. But Dom wasn’t content to just make his life better. He wanted to make others’ lives […]

Give Dom a Lift!

My friend Dominick Evans is a remarkable guy. He’s always first to offer to help out a friend, give advice or make someone smile. He’s kind, generous, sincere, and caring. He’s one of the happiest, most positive people I know. If I’m having a down day, I spend a bit of time chatting with Dom […]

Amber MacArthur on 12for12k

Check out this video from Amber MacArthur – yet another reason to get behind 12for12k – for the price of a couple of lattes, you too can get involved! www.12for12k.org

Making a Difference

OK. I am so NOT a video post kind of person. (Ironic, considering I work in video). But today, I just felt that I wasn’t able to say what I needed to say in text. So here you go. I hope it’s clear. Making a Difference from Sue Murphy on Vimeo.

12 for 12k Featured on CityNews

CityNews in Toronto did a great story on the 12for12k project last night, featuring none other than creator Danny Brown – check it out here, and don’t forget to head on over to 12for12k.org to get involved! CityNews Online 12for12k story

Danny Brown's Great Idea

Once in a while, someone comes along with an absolutely outstanding idea. Today, that someone was Danny Brown. For those of you who don’t know him, Danny is the owner of Press Release PR, a PR consultancy specializing in social media. I’ve gotten to know Danny pretty well over the past several months (although we’ve […]