Just a quick update this week – things are going exceptionally well. I’m down another 1.8 pounds, 7.4 pounds overall. Getting excited about hitting my 10lb goal.

I had lots of activity points last week, from doing more walking and swimming, and my goal for this week is to keep that trend going. I even was able to treat myself a bit – I had some yummy chocolate frozen yogurt and a couple of nice cold pints of beer too.

That’s what I love about Weight Watchers – I never feel like I’m denying myself or starving myself. It’s all about balance.

Will check in again next week.

How’s your weight loss plan going?

3 Responses

  1. Excellent work Suze! I started WW back in February and lost 10lbs and now I'm doing Booty Camp to lose the inches I so desperately need off. So far, so good.
    I'm down a total of 12lbs and 6+ inches from my frame.
    It's definitely not easy, but does it ever feel good!

  2. Congrats Sue! You're doing great!

    We've been watching the ingredients in the foodiePrints' kitchen and choosing lower calorie options when we go out these days. Jenn's training to get back into running shape. She ran her first 10k in 10 years this past Saturday. Me, I'm following suit, walking more, biking, and trying to enjoy the outdoors.

    There's this thing called sunlight that I've been missing out on apparently! 😛

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